Human Dynamic Due Diligence

I can help you evaluate your founders and start-up teams. Here’s some of what I can tell you

about the psychological make-up of potential founders: Self-awareness ... psychological

stability... resilience... integrity... tenacity... emotional intelligence... industriousness...

power and control... creativity... emotional reactivity... judgment... ability to learn and be

coached... agility... maturity... flexibility... focus... strategic thinking... attention to detail...

and potential mental health issues.

In his book, The Coming Jobs War, Jim Clifton notes “It is wiser to study the person than the

idea.” Clifton (the chairman of Gallup) is referring to the importance of investing in

entrepreneurs and small businesses to help drive our economy. We don’t need

breakthrough innovations as much as we need to understand and assess the talent and

makeup of people who start companies. Psychometric testing assists in finding that fit. WHO

is more important than WHAT. WHAT can be taught. WHO is the most precious resource,

the greatest asset in a business. A business plan that doesn't leverage its greatest asset

doesn't make good business sense.

Psychometric assessment affords us the opportunity to learn more in-depth and useful

information about why we do what we do; how we get in our own way; and some potential

pathways for change. Assessment results assist in investment decisions, hiring decisions,

development decisions, and management. They facilitate our recognition of our strengths

and our opportunities for development. They also facilitate our understanding of our values,

abilities, and skills.

Ray Dalio and Bridgewater Investments relies on psychometric assessments during the

hiring process and throughout employment to understand how people think and act.

Psychometric testing is more reliable than information that can be gained in an interview.

Dalio has stated that if he had to choose between formal interviewing and psychometric

assessments (which he doesn’t), he would choose psychometric assessments

I’m a seasoned psychologist and executive coach for founders, early stage start-up teams,

and others who play in the entrepreneurial space. My super-power is assessing and

developing founders. Interviews are mandatory. Assessment tools are individualized

according to needs. Call or email or send up smoke signals. Let’s talk.