You are not alone.
The louder a call is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.
Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work. It has no conscience and it is
impersonal. It is always lying and full of shit.
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I Must Be In The Wrong Room: Perfectionism vs. Self-Confidence
Perfectionism vs. Self-Confidence
In my work with high performing executives and startup founders, I regularly run into brilliant and creative people who lack self-confidence. Sometimes there are old family issues that get in the way. But more often it is the curse of perfectionism that gets in the way…
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Your Entrepreneurial Decision Making Is Impacted By Anxiety
Max is a brilliant and accomplished tech professional. When he and his co-founder started a business, it was the first time he had worked outside of a formal corporate structure. There were multitudes of decisions to make on a daily basis, and in our coaching sessions Max often became overwhelmed to the point of being paralyzed.
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Self Care is for Leaders.
Mammal nervous systems will always sync up with the most stable nervous system in proximity. Imagine the implications. Our self-care is at the root of our leadership and partnership with others. Regardless of our relational role, hierarchy, or setting, our self-leadership and the care for our mammalian self is everything.
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Help! My cofounder has ADHD
We hear a lot about how to support employees who struggle with ADHD.
There is advice on how to understand them, how to help them meet requirements, and generally how to empower their different ways of thinking and doing. But what happens when ADHD is impacting your business’s leader? Meet Jill.
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Increased Mental Health Issues in Start-Up World What to Watch For, What To Do
The traits that lead entrepreneurs to entrepreneurial ventures are often the character traits that make them more vulnerable to strong emotional states and mood swings – invulnerability, strong independent mindset, and risk taking mentality.
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Leverage Your Greatest Asset - Musings For Entrepreneurs
Leadership research is converging on the concept that the best leaders are those who work to become self-aware. Self-awareness is the basis for developing self-control, self-regulation, and social awareness. These three behavioral clusters are essential for managing relationships. Self-awareness requires partnering with a behavior expert who can provide honest and compassionate feedback.
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Embracing Conflict
The argument culture urges us to approach the world—and the people in it—in an adversarial frame of mind. It rests on the assumption that opposition is the best way to get anything done: The best way to discuss an idea is to set up a debate; the best way to cover news is to find spokespeople who express the most extreme, polarized views and present them as “both sides”; the best way to settle disputes is litigation that pits one party against the other; the best way to begin an essay is to attack someone; and the best way to show you’re really thinking is to criticize…Conflict and opposition are as necessary as cooperation and agreement, but the scale is off balance, with conflict and opposition over-weighted. – Deborah Tannen
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Human Dynamic Due Diligence
I can help you evaluate your founders and start-up teams. Here’s some of what I can tell you about the psychological make-up of potential founders: Self-awareness ... psychological stability... resilience... integrity... tenacity... emotional intelligence... industriousness... power and control... creativity... emotional reactivity... judgment... ability to learn and be coached... agility... maturity... flexibility... focus... strategic thinking... attention to detail...& potential mental health issues.
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Of Hermit Crabs and Entrepreneurs
As a hermit crab outgrows his shell he lumbers away from his comfortable home and out into the world, in search of a new shell. For a period, he is uncovered in all his squishiness - exposed to predators. Eventually, he will build himself an appropriate new home. Growth occurs in this time between shells.
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