Self Care is for Leaders.
Mammal nervous systems will always sync up with the most stable nervous system in proximity. Imagine the implications. Our self-care is at the root of our leadership and partnership with others. Regardless of our relational role, hierarchy, or setting, our self-leadership and the care for our mammalian self is everything.
Self-care is not all about bubble baths or reading good books. It is not a touchy-feely concept. It is a daily practice of adjusting to your internal and external pressures so you can live in balance. Setting appropriate boundaries is an example of self-care.
If you take care of your own needs you are not being selfish or indulgent. Committing to your own needs does not mean you are ignoring others. Self-care IS for others. When you take good care of yourself, you are able to show up with the best parts of yourself and be better able to support others.
You may think others are judgmental when you prioritize your own self-care. People are often confused when you shift your approach to self-care. Yet, you will find others feel inspired and want more self-care for themselves.